ShantiMayi peacefully left her body at 7:45am on Sunday February 16th, 2025. At this time, there are fire ceremonies, havans, prayer groups gathering all over the world offering ceremonies in gratitude and celebration for ShantiMayi, this Great Soul who devoted her life to uplifting our world.

ShantiMayi first arrived in India in 1986. While visiting Laxman Jhula in 1988, she met her Guru, Sri Hansraj Maharajji. Upon meeting her, he said “I have been waiting for you for 40 years.” ShantiMayi was thirty eight years old at that time, which means Sri Hansraj Maharajji was waiting for her even before she was born.

ShantiMayi was the only Westerner in Laxman Jhula during those years and was blessed to have the experience of being with her Master, and her practices, in relative seclusion. Sri Hansraj Maharajji was a universally highly regarded traditional Vedic, Indian Saint, and was the head of the ancient Sacha lineage, which exists solely for the purpose of the enlightenment of all beings.

Sri Hansraj Maharajji asked ShantiMayi to return to Oregon after 6 months with Him, and to return to Him in India after 6 months away. During one of these stays in Oregon, whilst working at a factory, she came to the full realization of the essence of Divine nature. She is unified with all and completely committed her life to the service of All Beings. She soon returned to India to be with her Guru and, with His Blessings, gave her first Satsangh in 1994.

Though Maharajji left his physical form in 2011, still, every year ShantiMayi has returned to Sacha Dham Ashram, the home of her Guru. Seekers from around the world come to Sacha Dham to receive her blessings and satsanghs. They might ask whatever questions that may arise from their hearts.

ShantiMayi, whose life has included a great deal of travel around the world, eclectically draws upon the quintessence of many traditions: Hinduism, Christianity, Buddhism, and the Aboriginal Tribes of the Americas and Australia. Though this is so, she speaks from her own direct experience as she points each of us back to the Divine within ourselves.

ShantiMayi continually guides us to live life in integrity with an open heart and open mind. Each moment experienced is (actually) fresh and new, and is (actually) free from our mental projections and self-made difficulties. It becomes possible to realize the deepest peace and stillness within ourselves.

  • Terre de Sacha

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  • Sacha Lineage

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  • Sacha Dham

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